Goldendoodle Puppies available
Maple (standard red poodle) and Sven (golden retriever) birthed a litter of beautiful F1 goldendoodles puppies on July 27! Puppies will be ready to go to their new homes around September 21. There are five males and four females.
Maple is 6 years old, a very chill and lovable girl, with soft curls and weighs about 55 pounds. She is AKC registered and genetic tested clear. Sven lives with a local family and is genetic tested: “Sven is the sweetest, happiest guy you could ever hope to meet. He unreservedly loves everyone he meets. He loves to swim and play with people and dogs and cats, he’s definitely a classic retriever! But since he’s perfectly content to just hang out and his life goal is getting pets, he’s the easiest ever!”
We anticipate great family loving cuddly puppies with beautiful soft hair, mostly non-shedding. We are taking non-refundable $200 deposits now, total price of $600. Please submit a puppy application if you’d like to deposit.
We anticipate great family loving cuddly puppies with beautiful soft hair, mostly non-shedding. We are taking non-refundable $200 deposits now, total price of $600. Please submit a puppy application if you’d like to deposit.
About Our Puppies
We breed doodle and standard poodle puppies.
- Our doodle puppies are CKC registered.
- Our purebred standard poodle puppies are AKC registered.
Feel free to call us anytime at 269-277-3621 with questions! Please see the Purchase Details page for details on deposits, payments and the process.